Addressing WHAT matters... in a WAY that matters...
WHEN it matters.

the Civitas Project is a collaborative framework of like-minded citizens strategically
organized, equipped, and mobilized to directly engage with elected officials, unelected bureaucrats, corporate leaders, civic leaders and NGOs over matters that concern every American.

Truth Clarity Fidelity Tenacity Solidarity

We value:

the new website launching in January 2024

contact Dave

It is hard to imagine the average citizen effectively sorting out and successfully opposing the issues and actions of the multiple Leftist agendas engulfing the American landscape. They are legion. Understandably, one might feel over-matched and overwhelmed. The opposition does not have the Truth, but they often marshall the necessary resources, manpower, and perseverance to push their toxic notions forward into general acceptance.

Today, the enemy of the republic is not "at the gates". The enemy now dominates the ruling omni-party within the gates. It is now well beyond a "uni-party" of two complicit, compromised political parties pragmatically aligning to keep the system churning out their personal and professional preferences.

We are seeing the rise and domination of what can be called a Leviathan, or a 7-Headed Hydra of Branches of Governance. It is a frankenstinian blend of elected and unelected governing and corporate masterminds intent on ruling over their lessers. It is a mode of governance that often gets echoed in State legislatures and local municipalities.

We no longer have 3 distinct branches of federal government fulfilling their prescribed and limited roles; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. None of them have been operating constitutionally for many years, which alone is a very ominous reality. There is little left of an intact, operative, and constraining Constitution. We still have the articles and the veneer of allegiance, but it has been routinely sidestepped as an antiquated and inconvenient document. Over the decades, feckless elected officials from both parties have repeatedly trampled and subsumed the constitutionally prescribed principles of States' rights. They have passed spending bills resulting in a mortally wounded and mismanaged union gasping for solvency where there is no hope of solvency. They refuse any steps toward returning the nation to a fiscally sound condition. They continually oppose the framers' intentions for a healthy measure of state sovereignty.

The fourth branch has been of concern since the framers established the Constitution: The unelected bureaucrat class.
They endure through every administration. They are the movers and shakers at the statehouse. Eventually, they die off, but their replacements carry on in like manner, often doubling down on insolvency and over-reach. They ARE the swamp. Along with appointed leadership in thousands of agencies that have arisen over the past 100 years. They and thousands of entrenched NGOs operate hand in hand systemically to grift and turn America from a republic of citizens with a national identity and liberty to a borderless mass of subjects requiring to be managed, profited from, and ruled over.

The fifth branch was outed by no less than Eisenhower. The military-industrial complex. Their influence and power cannot be overstated. We are thankful for their stalwart service in providing armaments for the country and developing technologies for an unrivaled military capability. The problem is the grift and propensity of insiders to manage and perpetuate forever wars with no definition for winning. It's very costly for young Americans who serve and die, and profitable for certain corporations. Long wars fighting for indefinite purposes are good for the economy according to prominent politicians like Mitch McConnell.

The sixth branch of government is media and entertainment. Their corporate heads and leaders in government are now joined at the hip. They serve and benefit from one another. It is now a way of life for them. The examples are endless and shameless. The mainstream and corporate media are largely shills for the government and vice-versa, resulting in vast and endless mutual benefits.

The seventh branch is the top structure of both legacy corporations and recent mega companies across the spectrum in tech, medicine, education, and beyond. They are intrinsically in lockstep with woke ideological policies and requirements. They promote and mandate in concert with our over-reaching government the limiting of freedom and liberty as "necessary" for the general welfare of all. Rather, together they are systematically undermining and over time destroying the social compact whereby the government exists to safeguard the liberty of the governed.

This is what we are dealing with. We are dealing with a fascistic, elitest, Marxist monster paradigm seeking to overwhelm and delegitimize as "untenable" a worn-out Constitution, and notions of governance of by, and for the people. It is the most direct and toxic assault on the internal general welfare and civil structure of the United States of America since our founding. This IS a societal existential moment for Western democracies as a whole, and the USA in particular. The assault is no longer a subtle, slow march through the institutions. They largely have the institutions. They are now intent on flipping what remains of a traditional, constitution-based America in the next generation. While they may be targeting 2030 as the ideal turning-point year, it may be closer to 2050 before the majority of their goals are in hand. Twenty-five years into the future is existential? Yes. The year 1999 was not that long ago, about 25 years. Each year we draw closer, the harder it will be to delegitimize and defeat THEM. It may already be too late. They are seriously dedicated to their ideal of remaking America and the Western world in their image.

However, the Leftist overreach IS being noticed by a broad spectrum of the population. But what (and how) are today's concerned citizens (probably less than 20% of the population) and those young adults who will lead tomorrow and don't wish to be mere subjects, going to do about it?

The early work and formation of the Civitas Project will be to chart out and establish a specific framework for concerned citizens of every age, locality, and walk of life to strategically collaborate, self-organize, be equipped, and mobilize forming an ongoing solidarity movement of citizens locally and state by state. The Civitas Project (CP) will be a collaborative of networked and active like-minded citizens personally engaged in bringing direct pressure on leaders and the "system" for significant reforms THEY deem necessary.

The website in January will lay out the initial blueprint and formative action plans for launching the effort beginning very small in West Tennessee with a few volunteer like-minded citizens. Civitas citizens. It will not compete with other Patriot and America First organizations for people or resources. Rather it will humbly seek over time to complement them and serve as a collaborative framework to marshall, multiply, and focus our considerable human resources cooperatively. CP will seek to foster and support a solidarity movement connected locally, statewide, and nationwide where everyday citizens are strategically empowered to stand up, speak out, and push back effectively. The aim is to see citizens and the nation "reformed" with their liberty and inalienable rights intact.

What time is it?
Imagine Poland, France, Holland, Czechoslovakia, 1941-1942. Nazi-occupied. Would you have joined the resistance? It would have cost you. It would have been dangerous. It would have been easier not to. Just go along peaceably, passively. And wait for whatever comes next. You're only one person what can you do? Holland tried to be neutral. Ask Corrie Ten Boom at age 50. Arrested in Holland in 1944. Placed in Auschwitz and other locations.

Fortunately and unfortunately for us in America today, there is still some time. But it's running out quickly. We may now be just one or two election cycles away from a self-imposed collapse of the civil society. Why do we think we are immune from such a calamity?
More importantly, what are we going to do about it? And if not now, when?